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Shor tmemorial to child lost to SUDC.


Short memorial to child lost to SUDC.


Short memorial to a child lost to SUDC.

Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood (SUDC) is the sudden and unexpected death of a child 12 months and older which remains unexplained after a thorough case investigation is conducted. This must include; examination of the death scene, performance of a complete autopsy, and a review of the child and family's medical history. At this time, SUDC remains unpredictable and unpreventable.*


The SUDC Foundation is currently the only organization worldwide whose purpose is to promote awareness, advocate for research, and support those affected by SUDC. They provide all services at no cost to families. The Lyrics for Lucas Foundation is joining the fight to end SUDC by raising public awareness, providing funding to SUDC to advance their research efforts, and supporting families through grants and scholarships.

  • SUDC affects approximately 1.5 out of every 100,000 children

  • SUDC is 45 times less common than Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

  • Occurs in children over the age of 12 months and is assigned as a diagnosis once all known causes of death have been ruled out

  • Most instances occuff between the ages of 1 and 4 years

  • Some cases affect children as old as 19


What is SUDC?

Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood (SUDC) is a rare condition that occurs in an apparently healthy child beyond the age of 12 months, without warning and without cause.


What causes SUDC?

Even with today's research, the cause of SUDC is still unknown.


Is SUDC hereditary?

At this time, we do not know the answer to this question. We do know that some rare causes of sudden death are associated with a genetic predisposition, including some cardiac channelopathies.


Can SUDC be prevented?

Not at this time. There is not enough information about the underlying cause to be able to suggest preventative measures.


As you can see, SUDC is a tragic scientific mystery.  The SUDC Foundation and Lyrics for Lucas Foundation are working hard to raise awareness and funding for SUDC research to find answers to these questions.

* Some Facts, Statistics and information about SUDC are quoted from  Please visit their page for more comprehensive information.

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